Denise Cooper Denise Cooper

Using Neuroscience to Get The Most from Your Team: A Narrative

CEO Amelia stared out the window, her reflection framed by the city’s glittering skyline. Her team, a vibrant mosaic of experiences and perspectives, buzzed in the conference room below. They were her A-team, handpicked for their brilliance and diversity. Yet, a knot of unease tightened in Amelia’s gut.

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Denise Cooper Denise Cooper

When the Unexpected Happens

Planning… it’s how we all manage to get through the days, weeks and years. Then, we judge every part of our success from how close we get to achieving the plan.

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Denise Cooper Denise Cooper

Why we need a beginning, middle, and end to feel accomplished.

Are you familiar with the satisfying sense of closure when you complete a task or project? This sense of accomplishment often derives from the structure of the task itself, specifically its clear beginning, middle, and end. This structure is not only integral to our understanding and organization of information and experiences, but it also provides direction, purpose, and a powerful motivation tool.

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Denise Cooper Denise Cooper

Utilizing Technology to Build Trust with Remote Employees

Remote work is a part of everyone’s lives now that we’ve lived through a pandemic. Now, we’re lucky enough to have the technology to successfully execute a remote work environment from our homes. Like it or not, remote work is here to stay. Knowing that, leaders need to create strategies for the use of technology that brings people together, rather than causing further isolation.

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Denise Cooper Denise Cooper

Are you unintentionally being a cruel leader?

This quote from Brene Brown is echoed in some way by each of the leadership and organizational design thought leaders. Her main point is that as a leader your first job is to make sure people know what results you want them to achieve and why.

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Denise Cooper Denise Cooper

Are you unintentionally being a cruel leader?

In my time as an Executive Trainer, I’ve had the chance to teach a lot of executives fundamental leadership skills. However, most executives contact me because their attention is torn between running the business and ensuring their team is made up of good leaders.

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Denise Cooper Denise Cooper

Why is Equitable Healthcare a Class Struggle?

What role does a person’s race, education level, social status, zip code, age, and demographics play in achieving good healthcare outcomes? I think it’s easy for anybody to understand that equitable health care means giving every patient the care they need when they need it.

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Denise Cooper Denise Cooper

7 Steps to Achievable Goals

As a manager, you are charged with getting stuff done. Getting stuff done…Execution… is defined as the carrying out of a plan, order, or course of action. The problem: You or your team have too much to do and not enough time.

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Denise Cooper Denise Cooper

The Best Time Management Tips in 3 Steps

t’s the end of the day, and you just left another meeting. As you sit in front of your computer screen, you see on your calendar you spent the entire day going from one meeting to another. You think, “dang, I barely had time for a bathroom break!”

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